Secondary Government approvals are required periodically to confirm the mine plan; this is called an Extraction Plan.

Our current extraction plan involves extraction of Longwalls 709 to 711 and 905 at Appin Mine.

GM3 work closely to support landholders who are affected by our operations. Our team will contact landholders in area to:

  • individualise online support for your property;
  • co-develop specific Property Management Plans;
  • discuss potential impacts relating to subsidence; and
  • arrange surveys and monitoring during active mining periods.

Our operations are in the Illawarra and Wollondilly regions of the southern coalfields of New South Wales, about 75 kilometres south of Sydney. We mine high quality metallurgical coal for use in steel making. Much of our coal goes to the local Port Kembla steelworks, supporting local manufacturing and regional jobs.

Steeped in coal mining history dating back more than 150 years, the region’s first coal mines opened in the early nineteenth century. Our history of coal mining around these parts began in 1935 at Wongawilli Colliery.

Soon after, collieries were developed to mine coal for the growing local steel industry and labourers settled into the area, bringing their families with them. Roads, schools and hospitals followed, and communities flourished.

It is a legacy etched into the way of life. We still work with our communities on local projects and provide grants to schools, sports clubs, community groups and others to help build strong communities.

GM3 ‘s focus as a metallurgical coal mining company is on safe and consistent production, with a strong operational performance to enable long-term opportunities for its metallurgical coal assets. The company is positioned for growth and focussed on the future, with a strong commitment to long-term sustainability – social performance, environmental management, operational excellence, and economic contribution.

Our Appin Mine operates within the Bulli Seam Operations Project Approval (08_150) and is currently mining coal in the Douglas Park, Menangle and Razorback areas. The Approval document is available on our website.

Illawarra Metallurgical Coal has sought secondary approval for Longwalls 905, 710A, 710B and 711. While we have approval to mine, secondary approval covers exactly where we will mine, how we will extract the coal safely, how we will work with the community to manage subsidence, and how we will manage environmental impacts.

We use the longwall mining method which involves removing coal in one long rectangular block using a shearer.

The shearer is a circular piece of equipment with picks which shaves coal from the longwall. The shearer moves forward on tracks as coal is continuously removed. The removed coal falls onto a conveyor behind the shearer to transport it to the surface.

To support the roof of the longwall during the mining process, large mechanical roof supports or ‘chocks’ hold up the area where the shearer is working. The chocks move with the shearer and allow the roof to safely fall behind the working area, forming what is known as the ‘goaf’. The falling roof is what causes movement on the surface known as subsidence.

Search your address. If your property falls within the Extraction Plan boundary you may experince subsidence on your property. We will contact you to discuss your specific Property Management Plan.

If you would like more information on the mine plan please contact or phone 1800 102 210.