At Dendrobium Mine, a landslip occurred during heavy rainfall in March 2022. South32 has been diligently addressing the hazards on the affected slope since this occurred. Subsequent investigations have revealed a potential risk of additional slip movements, emphasiing the need for intervention to stabalise the slope surrounding the Pit Top.
Works for Part B of this project, located at the Dendrobium Car Park, commenced from 13 December 2023 and completed in June 2024.
The works will occur on Monday to Friday between 7am and 5pm, and Saturdays from 8am to 1pm.
Planned activities
- Set up site including, machinery, laydown area, stockpile area, grout plant with hose, pump and mobile generators.
- Install temporary erosion and sediment controls.
- Prepare existing carpark surface levels in preparation for piling.
- Temporarily remove ARMCO barrier and store at laydown area. Remove and dispose ARMCO barrier posts and fencing.
- Supply drilling rig, associated plant, equipment, materials and labour to drill for micro-piles.
- Supply excavator and tipper truck with operators to remove and dispose spoil generated by excavation works to Kemira Valley loading facilities (KVLF).
- Supply and installation of the capping beams and of the tieback anchor bars and trench whilst carpark is in operation.
- ·Supply selected fill, backfill, compact, and reinstate asphaltic pavement.
- Supply and install new ARMCO barrier posts with chemical anchor to concrete.
- Reinstate ARMCO barrier and chain wire.
- Supply and installation of new line marking to match existing arrangement.