In the heart of Picton, a tragic accident involving local youth prompted a collaborative effort between the community, Rotary of Picton, and the CPP. The result was the "U-Turn the Wheel" program, a driving safety initiative aimed at empowering students from Picton High and Wollondilly Anglican College.

Following the Rotary's appeal to the CPP for support, the inaugural year of the program witnessed 631 students from grades 10-12 actively participating. The focus areas included speeding, drink and drug driving, driver distraction, sharing the road with various vehicles, and the crucial "before you turn the key" principle.

Students engaged in hands-on learning through simulators, road safety games, and practical lessons. The use of drink and drug goggles provided a realistic understanding of impaired driving consequences. This proactive approach not only educates young drivers but instills responsible habits before they hit the road.

"U-Turn the Wheel" stands as a testament to the power of community collaboration in addressing road safety. By investing in the next generation's knowledge and skills, Picton is steering towards a safer, more responsible driving culture.